Friday, February 20, 2009

(64th) Making the news...

Just read about this:
OK, it is a newsflash from Finnish broadcast company (YLE). What now bothers me (here comes the nagging ;)  is the thing that mainly they've been just translating the global news agency news on to this and not taken care of too much localizing it. Meaning at all. I would've expected a Finnish broadcast company to check out what is the situation with Finnish-related languages. Since the Finnish language itself is spoken by 'only' 5 million people. So is the news today always this sort of copy-paste, where's the depth?

More info of local endangered languages here:

And here's the map:

And by the way, how come endangered Kemi Saami -language is located between Rovaniemi and SodankylÀ? Perhaps it does not have anything to do with Kemi, then :D

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Obvious answer to your question: it's dying out where the spot is; nowhere near Kemi. There it's doing alright, LOL!