Funding of the foundation would be nice to establish, too. How to collect money for such a purpose, especially in these economically troubled days? Maybe it would be good to have the whole foundation serving free food to homeless, poor or just plainly lazy people and at the same time collecting the funds and/or food for such a purpose. And once a week someone of the fed people would then be selected to get the real free meal of the week. A non-profit -foundation with no limits of service, so to say.
I kind of like the idea, since it is mine, of course and in the other hand, there's not much sense in it (It's mine, Q.E.D).
And, of course, it's been done already http://www.implu.com/nonprofit/61482552, at least in some way. And over here, too, http://freelunchproject.blogspot.com/. It's nice to know that I'm not alone. Are you?
I'm not alone to wonder where the food comes from.
food comes from the grocery store, and in the end, actually, from the badly mistreated nature :D.
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