Thursday, December 24, 2009

tämän hetkellä

kaiken hetkellä
sinä tulet rikkomaan kämmenesi
rikki menneen minän särmiin

joka kerta astuessani kaupunkiin
    toivon sinusta samaa
        aina kun haavani nuollut

hakkaan polvea katukiveen
   sitä samaa polvea joka osaa
        väistää juuret ja kannot

siihen samaan katukiven kulmaan
johon otsani lyödään
katsoessani sataa avointa työpaikkaa,
vapaata asuntoa, uutta autoa,
hymyilevää kauppiasta, hautapaikkaa

eikä yhtään metsää
auraa, peltoa
jousta, ansalankaa
hevosta kärryjen edessä
viemässä tonkkia maitolaiturille
    tai tuomassa vettä
olisi edes pystyyn kuollut puu

tämän hetkellä sinä tulet
rikkomaan kämmenesi
sirpaleiseen turkkiin

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Flying Burrito Brothers: Gilded Palace Of Sin

First of all, after everything I've read about this record, which is not that much either, I was disappointed. It might be that it opened certain directions in country-rock scene by showing the Eagles how things could be done. Anyhow I was not impressed, not too big fan of The Eagles, either.
The opening song, Christine's Tune, is quite ok, also quite well played, with the acid-filled guitar licks. But the rest of the album from my point of view does not fill the expectations I had for it. Sad to say, but I actually would've liked to like this.

The songs are handling way too much about love and being lovesick to fit in my cathegory. More or less I like outlaw-country better. Even though, now on the second listening, the album does not sound harsh or bad either. But still I would and will not spend my money on this one. The songs might have been revolutionary in the year 1969 and especially in the country scene. But considering that Tim Buckley had jointed together folk, country and jazz few years before and Hendrix did his stuff for the last whole year of his life, I can't get the value for this. And today, even less. Can't give more than three little j:s for this one.


Saturday, October 31, 2009

Silence is golden: 63 albums for the future

It's been a while since I've been writing here. I've actually kept myself busy with other type of activities than music -related. Meaning outdoor activities and to get me in shape. That stuff I have been blogging too, to the Wordpress -blog But that's in finnish, whoever can and will is more than welcome to read and comment, too :D.

This blog and my pseudonym Incredible Jens, are highly related to the music. Either the one I've made or the one I've been listening.
Anyhow, last night it appeared to me that it's about the time to change my iPod music library. And then, I thought that ok, I can do it in a way that also benefits my English writing skills while I ride my bike to work and listen to these timeless albums. I also thought that I could listen them, once again, as albums, as they might be intended, and not pressing the complete experience as background music by pressing randomize. OK, not too often, at least :D. While listening, I could make some mental notes and then, once again, write about what I do think about those selected albums.
And here's the list, mostly unknown or unthoughtfully or only partly listened.
63 albums for the future
  1. Thelonious Monk: Brilliant Corners
  2. Miles Davis: Birth of The Cool
  3. Booker T. And The M.G.s: Green Onions
  4. Jacques Brel: Olympia 64
  5. John Coltrane: A Love Supreme
  6. The Beatles: Rubber Soul
  7. Bob Dylan: Highway 61 Revisited
  8. The Who: My Generation
  9. The Beatles: Revolver
  10. The Monks: Black Monk Time
  11. The Mothers of Invention: Freak Out
  12. The Rolling Stones: Aftermath
  13. The 13th Floor Elevators: The Psychedelic Sounds of the 13th Floor Elevators (The numbering is only coincidental, really!)
  14. Tim Buckley: Goodbye And Hello
  15. The Doors: The Doors
  16. Merle Haggard: I'm a Lonesome Fugitive
  17. Shivkumar Sharma/Brijbushan Kabra/Hariprasad Chaurasia: Call Of The Valley
  18. Jimi Hendrix Experience: AXIS - Bold As Love
  19. The Rolling Stones: Beggars Banquet
  20. The United States of America: The United States of America
  21. The Band: Music From The Big Pink
  22. Flying Burrito Brothers: The Gilded Palace of Sin
  23. Johnny Cash: At San Quentin
  24. The Who: Tommy
  25. Frank Zappa: Hot Rats
  26. CCR: Cosmo's Factory
  27. Black Sabbath: Black Sabbath
  28. Black Sabbath: Paranoid
  29. The Grateful Death: American Beauty
  30. Traffic: John Barleycorn Must Die
  31. The Rolling Stones: Sticky Fingers
  32. Deep Purple: Made in Japan
  33. Genesis: Selling England By The Pound
  34. Pink Floyd: Dark Side Of The Moon
  35. Bad Company: Bad Company
  36. Eric Clapton: 461 Ocean Boulevard
  37. Kraftwerk: Autobahn
  38. Kraftwerk: The Man-Machine
  39. Supertramp: Crime of The Century
  40. Queen: Sheer Heart Attack
  41. Queen: A Night At The Opera
  42. Tom Waits: Nighthawks at The Diner
  43. Rush: 2112
  44. David Bowie: Low
  45. Talking Heads: 77
  46. Meat Loaf: Bat Out Of Hell
  47. AC/DC: Highway To Hell
  48. Police: Reggatta De Blanc
  49. The Specials: Specials
  50. ABC: The Lexicon of Love
  51. The Cure: Pornography
  52. Iron Maiden: Number of The Beast
  53. Youssou N'Dour: Immigrés
  54. The Pogues: Rum, Sodomy, And The Lash
  55. Afrika Bambaataa And The Soul Sonic Force: Planet Rock - The Album
  56. Metallica: Master Of Puppets
  57. Bon Jovi: Slippery When Wet
  58. Paul Simon: Graceland
  59. The Smiths: The Queen Is Dead
  60. Anthrax: Among The Living
  61. Guns N' Roses: Appetite For Destruction
  62. U2: The Joshua Tree
  63. Lenny Kravitz: Let Love Rule

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Mordorin syksy

tämä on pahaa maata
kuonaa on liikaa
vaikka meille
sillä ei ole merkitystä

olen nähnyt unta
niityistä, metsistä
kävelemään oppivista eläimistä
ja että hengittäminen ei koske

kuuntelen jäätynyttä soraa saappaan alla
yritän muistaa uneni
kuinka niitty lainehtii
tuullessa lehdet rapisevat puista

Monday, August 31, 2009

(73.) Ajatuksia rikollisuudesta

Kuinka paljon rikollisuutta esiintyisi yhteiskunnassa, missä elämän sisältö ei koostu tavaran haalinnasta tai sen mahdollistamisen vuoksi tehdystä työstä? Ja minkäkaltaista tämä rikollisuus olisi? Nythän hyvinkin pitkälle tämä koneisto, jota palvelemme ja jonka uumenissa rattaina raadamme, päättää sen, mitä tarvitsemme, milloin ja miten paljon tarvitsemme ja mitä teemme elääksemme. Töissäkin käydään lähinnä sen vuoksi että saadaan ne samat markkinakoneiston laadukkaasti masinoimat turhuushyödykkeet kuin mitä naapurillakin on. Autonkin pitää olla parempi. Ulkoilu ja liikuntakin ovat niin sidoksissa markkinointiin, että ihmettelen miten ihmiset vielä pystyvät vastustamaan kuntosalien markkinoinnin kutsua. Ilmeisesti niitä ei tarpeeksi mainosteta. Ja toisaalta, kun täällä nyt kaikki saadaan omiin käsiin ja valmiiksi sillä tavoin, että ensin maksetaan ja painetaan sitten nappia, tai maksetaan samalla kun painetaan, aivan sama, niin kuka hullu alkaisi maksamaan siitä, että joutuisi oikeasti tekemään jotain niiden vatsalihaksiensa eteen. Ainahan voi ostaa TV-Shopista sen sellaiset lihaksia stimuloivan vyön ja jatkaa valmisruoan pureskelua.

Siis yhteiskunnassa, jossa keskitetään koko huomio ja tarmo siihen, että saadaan materiaalisia hyödykkeitä mahdollisimman paljon on myös rikollisuutta, joka keskittyy siihen samaan asiaan, tavaran haalimiseen normien mukaisia säännöstöjä noudattamatta. Nyt siis mietinkin sitä, että entäs jos yhteiskunta olisi siinä määrin toisenlainen, että materian haaliminen ei olisikaan se perimmäinen tavoite, vaan ihmiset keskittyisivät lähinnä elämiseen ja sen laadun parantamiseen niillä asioilla, joilla ei materialismin kanssa ole juurikaan tekemistä. Niin jos rikollisuus kerran on osa ihmismieltä, niin minkälaisia rikoksia sitten tapahtuisi? Tulisiko joku varastamaan esimerkiksi minun oikeuteni kulkea luonnossa vapaasti? Tai verottaisi sitä? Tai varastaisi sen vapaa-ajan, jota materiaalin haalimisen mahdollistamisen tarpeen, eli palkkatyön, tekemättömyys tuottaisi? Miten suhtautuisi yhteiskunta tähän? Minkälainen normisto silloin vallitsisi? Että sellaisia kysymyksiä tänä aamuna :D.

Friday, May 29, 2009

(72nd) Open Source Search Engine vs. Search Engine Conspiracy

Microsoft has launched Bing and then we have Google, Yahoo and about dozen other relevant or not so relevant search engines. Which is actually great, when you want to find something. Now, my tiny little paranoid brain twists and turns (after seeing the Bing-marketing video, actually) around one question.

How much these search engines can manipulate the information we will find on the web? Is it as much or even more than we get out from the news companies? I'm a 'bit' skeptic with them at the moment. Since their funding is anyhow based on the money they make on getting the search results to hit the correct marketing, how independent can the search results ever be?

But furthermore, while I keep being mistrustful towards these nowadays corporate giants, I wonder if there is an alternative solution for this? Meaning that is there an open source search engine which could actually be as accurrate as the others but without anything commercial in it, just pure information? Like wikipedia, but with the information on the whole web. Could it for example use cloud computing or similar system to hold on indexing and to index itself. Thinking about SETI@Home -type of system, which could then become like WEB@Home -search engine. And that it would be completely independent on any power structures and funding and made by volunteers with open source ethics. Edit: Something found from here

Now, I don't have any prove about the results manipulation with Google, Microsoft or Yahoo, or any of the others, but it would certainly make sense to THEM (They talk a lot, don't they -Pulp Fiction) to manipulate the results in a transparent and unnoticeable way. The companies I talk about in here are at the moment the most powerful global organizations in the whole world and they hold the most of the information the people in the world can access.

Well in the other hand, how much this information we can find actually has anything to do with the real life then?

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

(71st) Memory over BT?

Just while working with these memory card -readers, which are attached to the computers USB -port, I started wondering, if there is a memory card -reader which operates over USB and over Bluetooth? In my world that would be, if not usefule, then at least a neat gadget.
Meaning that I would not have to plug the memorycard or the card reader in to the USB -jack (which sometimes is located in a weird place) but could plug the memory card to a small reader which then could be paired over BT with the computer. And even better, the data could then be automatically synchronized (if desired) between the memory card and the computer.

Monday, March 2, 2009

(70th) Milk is Magic Drink

This morning in my breakfast table I read the title (Milk is Magic Drink) from my milk -can.
Oh yes, they're right on that. And ever so unselfish also. The milk providing company is telling you that the milk is a wonder, a truly magic drink. Actually, it is more or less ment to be drinken by the calf and only in the age of being calf. If I ever have understood something about biology right, that is.

The point being was that how many of us actually believe the news and 'facts' that are placed on the newspapers, commercials or products themselves? Hopefully not too many, but nowadays when I'm havingthis terrible misbelief in worthy of human nature, I have my doubts. Somebody could prove me wrong, or could they?

And then again, who cares :D. I'll recommend people to listen this piece of art instead.
And the lyrics can be found from here.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

(69th) What's your name?

- Who are you?
- The new Number Two
- Who is Number One?
- You are Number Six
- I am not a number, I am a free man!

The previous dialog can be found from a TV-Serie from the 60's. And it can be heard from Iron Maiden's song called the Prisoner that can be found from their breakthrough album The Number of The Beast.

What I'm referring here is not the serie, not the song or not even the band, even though the band and the songs are one of my all time favorites and has been a significant influence even for my reading habits. The point in here is to be a post about naming the mobile phone products for nowadays market. It seems that most of the mobile phone manufacturers use some sort of numerical naming convention for their phone models. Something referring to some car model naming. It seems to work anywhere else but in the states. So, Sonyericsson  named it's next big thing to be called Idou (Not pronounced I Do You :D), RIM has it's blackberry and apple has it's Iphone. Nokia is using the numbering system with a character N or E in front of it what comes to be the sign to tell if it is a multimedia (N-series) or business-like (E-series) phone.

Now, yesterday evening I was watching second to last Conan O'Brien -show, where the host was asking his nicely pre-defined questions from Jerry Seinfeld. He asked about Jerry's attitude towards the future technology. And named precisely only Blackberry and iPhone. He did not talk about Multimedia Computer X87987387 v4 or anything that type of nerdish named phone model, e.g. Sonyericsson W960i (Injection??) or Nokia N96 etc. My point being here is that if I understand human mind at all, it is easier to so called normal people to adapt to naming convention that's referring to something familiar or easily swallowable, like iPhone, Razor etc. The numbering stuff is strictly easily adopted by the nerds and geeks, and why not, that's ok, fine by me, I can see myself in that category, too. After this long babbling about the names and the people I'd like to sharpen my point to be that the BIG markets should be among the normal, middle-class -people, who nowadays are not THAT much technologically oriented, even though they all seem to have their personal PC:s or MacBooks, which they proudly use for Facebooking everything in their life. And that's the mass (in my mind) where to target the marketing and therefore should the naming convention of the products been taken under serious re-consideration.

Or then again, not. Like I care :D

Thursday, February 26, 2009

(68th) Chuck Norris

As every respectable warrior, I'd like to think I started this day by pushing the world back on it's place (rather than pushing myself up), as Chuck Norris could be imagined to do. For those who don't know, Chuck Norris is the official Dude for us everyday warriors. Now my world is in it's place.

What I actually mean here is the fact that my world seems to be more in it's place after this mornings excercise. I feel better, more limber, and even more capable of starting the workday. I hereby express my gratitude to Chuck Norris, Bruce Lee and any other 80's karate -star (excluding the Karate Kid), as well as to Ross Enamait and Matt Furey for giving me inspiration on putting my world on it's place. Just wondering, do I have to be nearly 40-years old before I understand this sort of things? Apparently, so it seems :D

And it's briefly in here, too:, with the typo, twitter is still missing the editing possibilities :D

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

(67th) Ultimate Urban Survival Kit?

You can go to the woods and succesfully survive from an everyday life by using a knife, compass and a flintstone (and a pair of braincells, too - that is, the knowledge on how to get the tools made out of something...). And then there's this urban life , where you need a bit more:
Point being here is that Eric LeFou (Crazy-Eric) carries altogether 1300 different tools, gadgets and 'things' in his backpack and clothing. All my credit to Eric, I seem to be somewhat like him every now and then, nowadays less, I hope. :D.
Anyhow, makes you think how complicated this world has been made after all and what do you really need to get along the everyday life. To be honest I truly believe that less is more, in this case, too. Which reminds me to clean the trunk of our car, it's having WAY too much stuff in it :D.
Goes together with gym -training, too. Why would I need a dumbell or workbench to workout with when I got this 90 kg of meat around my (large) bones?

(66th) Free Lunch Foundation

Wouldn't it be great to beat the allfamous 'there's no free lunch' -tradition? Meaning that it would be neat to have a foundation that could actually give free lunches, to people who really are in need, perhaps. Anyhow the main point for getting the lunch would then be also that you could not earn it. In any matter. And that's what could make the whole thing tricky enough to accomplish and as a nice way, a challenge to set up.
Funding of the foundation would be nice to establish, too. How to collect money for such a purpose, especially in these economically troubled days? Maybe it would be good to have the whole foundation serving free food to homeless, poor or just plainly lazy people and at the same time collecting the funds and/or food for such a purpose. And once a week someone of the fed people would then be selected to get the real free meal of the week. A non-profit -foundation with no limits of service, so to say.
I kind of like the idea, since it is mine, of course and in the other hand, there's not much sense in it (It's mine, Q.E.D).
And, of course, it's been done already, at least in some way. And over here, too, It's nice to know that I'm not alone. Are you?

Monday, February 23, 2009

(65th) The weakest link

Sad to say, no pic for today. No Bicycle driving either. Here in Stockholm it has been quite heavy snowfall since yesterday, and the scenes are beautiful. I was looking forward to exhaust myself today while on my way to work. As usual, it seems taht the road/snow-workers know when to have the day off and it definitely seems that they're having the well deserved coffee-breaks together with so famous swedish discussion. Instead of the thing to be done, at least this is my opinion. I recall in Finland, after this type of snowfall, the roads were cleaned through the night, including the bicycle roads. So, as you see, it would've been exhaustive and really nice to get me here.
But the point being is, that lately (last week it is) I've noticed something weird on my chain or in my gears, waas not sure what it was, but figured that some spray could grease up the chains and gears, and so sort things out. Luckily I did the 'greasing' this moring in a brighter light than last evening. The lock of my chain was almost broken. Meaning that the other end of the lock-part was completely gone. Phew! I was actually, besides being pissed for NOT getting to ride the bike, releafed that I found it out before it got completely broken. Thinking about my luck it would've been broken on the way here, in the uphill near Solvalla, in the midway of the whole route. And there would've I been, thinking should I go home and take the car or should I walk to work instead :D

So, things being like this, I just had to made my pushup -excercise instead. And yes, I'm on my way to do the , but the week 6 proved to be way too hard for me at the moment, so I'm back on week 4, day 1.

Friday, February 20, 2009

(64th) Making the news...

Just read about this:
OK, it is a newsflash from Finnish broadcast company (YLE). What now bothers me (here comes the nagging ;)  is the thing that mainly they've been just translating the global news agency news on to this and not taken care of too much localizing it. Meaning at all. I would've expected a Finnish broadcast company to check out what is the situation with Finnish-related languages. Since the Finnish language itself is spoken by 'only' 5 million people. So is the news today always this sort of copy-paste, where's the depth?

More info of local endangered languages here:

And here's the map:

And by the way, how come endangered Kemi Saami -language is located between Rovaniemi and Sodankylä? Perhaps it does not have anything to do with Kemi, then :D

Thursday, February 19, 2009

(63rd) Lost in the City (Part III)

This nice scene was around me and my bike this mornign on my way to work. Once again, I decided to make a shortcut and ended up walking instead of cycling :D.Needless to say that I'll have to wait until the spring comes before getting there again, stick to the path, man! In the other hand, it was neat to see different woods among a different road. To be honest, I'd rather get lost and in trouble every day instead of the normal not so interesting route.

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Thursday, January 29, 2009

(62nd) Incredible History, Jens

Ho-Ho-Ho-Ho, It's a Rock n' Roll  Suicide ;)

Long Hair : CHECK
Palestinian Scarfe : CHECK
Rock n' roll Attitude : CHECK
Ibanez AS200 : CHECK
Richie Sambora/Slash on the Seaside Cliff : CHECK
Drunk : Definite CHECK

And what am I talkin' about is this:

I played on this Kosminen Säteily (Cosmic Radiation in english) -band back in the 90's, I suppose this is from 1991 or something. Actually playing the bass in the band, and the guitar solo on this song, too. More Kosminen on myspace

Thanks dudes for digitizing this one :D