Saturday, November 15, 2008

(58th) Social connectivity

Just had a sneak peak on Soocial, a hassle-free ( so they keep telling me) contact management system, which synchronises my contacts between different applications and devices. Finally, something at least distantly useful.

Anyhow, I've got something more on my mind. Or have had this for few months. What if you would have only one application to communicate with other people who have a Facebook, twitter, Gmail, MSN Live messenger,  AOL Instant Messenger, Mobile phone and an e-mail account. An application that would bind this all together and all you would have to do is maintain your contact list and send messages, which then would be transferred to your friend/relative/the-person-you-want-to-contact-with in appropriate format regarding on the recipients current online-status. And even the contact information maintaining would be at least semi-automatic, so you would not have to bother too much about that one, either.

What I mean here is the fact that it would be great to have just one application and just one list of contacts for communicating. And the application could then use all the available means of communication (even the snail-mail, huh?) when delivering the message to the recipient. I see that nowadays this sort of application could be able to develop and release in a uite a short time. I would not consider myself as a frontline developer, I'm a test professional (re-learning my C++ anyhow), but this idea is worth of trying. To be honest, I have some sort of design, requirements list and plan done for this sort of application and I have a clear vision on how it should work, on functionality level, so if you're interested on collaborating in this sort of open source solution either with development or GUI -implementation -skills, I'd be more than happy to start working on this sort of subject. So, don't hesitate to contact :D

And last, but not least, the application should be able to be easily ported on any operating system, including the mobile ones. And really intuitive and surprisingly easy to use.


Anonymous said...

It's a kind of Betamax/VHS or Apple/Microsoft dilemma. If we get a good one, we'll get another one soon. Then we go and pick the wrong one :) Seriously, do we let anyone take control of the whole set you mentioned? Isn't that kind of dangerous? Even Google has resistance because it's too big these days.

jankka said...

But that's precisely I'm fighting against, sort of :D.
meaning that this application should be covering all the other messaging applications. I find myself bored with gmail, company mail, google talk, messenger, company chat, facebook, sms, telephone etc. Since the people I'm connecting with are nevertheless the same, why should I have to care which application or communication API or whatsoever they use? :D
Everything's dangerous and if you get too big, you get too stiff, so in that case google is too big. Microsoft is even stiffer. and IBM, and Dell, and...

Anonymous said...

Hey, great idea!

Clearly drawing the line between what you want to keep private, most of your contact management activity, and what you want public, your twitter posts, etc. will be the difficult part.

jankka said...

Good point craig.
The privacy is anyhow your private business, ain't it :D (I should've been a vice president of US a long long time ago ;)
What I've been thinking would handle the privacy always personally, regarding to the settings the recipient makes on ones account. wherever it then will be. and the routing between different accounts could be tweaked, as well, if needed. Once a user uses the app, he/she can choose which applications use for receiving the messages etc.