Wednesday, April 30, 2008

(35th)Amonpolis II on the way

It's totally been awhile since writing. Writing here, writing music, writing anything. I seem to have some sort of mental downhill going on. In Sweden the downhill is a good thing, no need for pushing. In Finland it's just the feel of speed before the actual crash :D

Anyway, I can now announce that the first draft of a complete song is now officially drafted to my recorder (The mighty BOSS Micro BR). And besides all my previous thoughts, it's not in major, it's a blues tune in B minor. Artifactial Blues as the working title. Making the lyrics is also started, looking for to finalize them at the point when it's time to actually sing the tune :D.

My approach, anyway, on the forthcoming recordings is to make first the song and the tune, and then write the lyrics. In that precise order, just to do something new. The arrangements and chords should be as simple as possible to bulletproof my songwriting abilities. I'm aiming to create a basic set of songs with basic arrangements and having catchy tunes and guitar -licks there while at the same time keeping my standards of writing. Meaning that the songs should be easily adoptable but still yet unique both in melodic and lyricist points of view. I suppose that I've already proved myself that I'm capable to create somewhat complicated arrangements and song structures. The lyrics, still, will remain on the same blurry central lyricist style I have adopted and feel familiar to :D.

Above these I've started a sidekick for this blog, a public Wiki to hold on the background information about the songs, lyrics and the world the songs should be describing. I'll get back to that when it is ready to be explored by the others anyway.

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