Friday, February 29, 2008


So, about this thing and the next one. :D
The band, Incredible Jens, is at the moment a one-man-project. There is a bunch of visiting artists, mainly from Finland, taking care of the stuff where I suck more than usually. The album has been in my thoughts for the last 3-4 years or so (with different content, obviously) and I have been quite actively planning and updating the concept and the songs. The songs are no longer the same as they were in the beginning, even though three (3) of them are 5-6 years old. The songs are in Finnish, unfortunately, since they are written in that language. In the future, I might translate some of them, if it feels necessary, I doubt though, still. The time slot for making and finalizing this album came in the point when I moved to Sweden and there was no more a band to spend my time with.

The next album is on the way, the planning has been started, and few rough sketches for the songs are already made. And the language of the lyrics will be in english.

One point for this forthcoming album is to act as a showcase for musicians here (in Stockholm at the moment) and ease up the pain for finding them. The only problem is that now I feel like playing some Clash-styled punk-rock, and the album is filled with more or less progressive material. Sucks, eh?

We'll see.

BTW, there seems to be only one song that needs my attention, and then the mixing should be finalized within a week. The cover is needed, ordered from the Artist herself (Josefine Rotta).

Yours truly.
Hasta La Victoria Siempre!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Yhdeksäs (ninth)

Voi toki olla, että jos bändi kerran tekee ensimmäisen levynsä suomeksi, myös jossain muualla tulisi suomen kielen näkyä. Laitetan siis tänne.
Incredible Jens on siis bändi, jossa on tällä hetkellä tasan yksi varsinainen jäsen ja useampi vierailija. Tämä johtuu siitä, että tarkoitukseni on ollut jo vuosia saada aikaan tämä levy (ei nyt ihan näillä biiseillä, mutta kuitenkin) ja muutto Tukholmaan viime vuoden lokakuussa helpotti asian todeksi tuloa. Johtuen mitä ilmeisimmin siitä, että minulla ei täällä heti ollut bändiä, jonka treeneissä juosta ja jolle tehdä biisejä.
Tämän levyn eräs itselleni tärkeä pointti on myös toimia eräänlaisena käyntikorttina, kun uutta bändiä lähden kasaamaan. Tiedä sitten, minkälaista musiikkia se tulee tekemään, kappaleiden lyyrinen puoli on jo aihepiirinsä löytänyt. Itse asiassa jo vuosia sitten. Tosin uudet biisit tulevat kuitenkin olemaan englannin kielisiä, edellisistä poiketen. Myös musiikkityyli tulee mitä luultavimmin olemaan jotain aivan muuta. Tai sitten ei ;).

Joskohan tuota huomenna jaksaisi säheltää tämän saman myös englannin kielellä.

(I Wonder if tomorrow I'd have enough stamina to do this same in english) :D

yours truly

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

eighth (8th for the ones who can read)

Slight updates, fellows. Song called Mobiilielämä (mobile life) is dropped out. Mastering is going towards readiness. Due to this, we can celebrate and listen a sneaky peak from here:

The album itself is around 36:20 minutes long and has 8 songs. The names of the songs can be found from the Incredible Jens' homepage. Where also the one song is now uploaded and it is ready to be listened. You may comment here, please do :D.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Some progress has happened on the way to the first Amonpolis. There will be 9 songs on the album, it seems to be approximately 40 minutes long, and it does NOT have the song called 'Rauniosusi'. I don't have the tools or abilities to finalize that one to this album. Maybe, in form or another on the next one, then, we'll see. Anyhow the song is replaced by previously (last spring) released and now re-mastered 'Kuravettä'. Which means that I'll have to add few more visitors to the list ;)

Monday, February 25, 2008

Star City, Russia.,_Russia

One of the things that tweaked my mind yesterday was the name of the training facility. It ended up in a bunch of quick notes on my notebook, there's a SONG coming :)


The album is currently heading towards readiness, some progress on friday. Still, two songs are still missing. The other, mobiilielämä (mobile life) is otherwise somewhat ready, but there's no vocals recorded there yet. And the second one, Rauniosusi (Carcass Wolf) is missing even more, the rhythm base needs to be re-looped, there's few tricky parts in there, which lead to clear mistakes when trying to play it.
So the album will be ready. when it is done. Not before. :D


I've seen some sort of shimmering light (Thank you, Eagles - Not from the light but the expression) now. At least some destinations for the future of Jens is now defined. There shall be free music and challenging music, nothing more. And nothing less.
Nowadays it seems that everything is just a merchandised, easy swallowed crap and the connection between the sold music and the creator of the music is really thin, if it even exists. And I'm not talking about the band here yet.
I find myself being sick and tired to the fact that everything, not only music, is tightly tied against the marketing and money. The whole system in here is leading everybody to the direction to buy more more and once more. Even the counteraction -movements are merchandised. The capitalist will is to get money out of everything and, as it seems, it gets what it wants. Not enough, though.
Everything in the web is free to read, but the marketing is still there. In fact, if I wanted, I could try to start to earn the money out of this Blog. Which does not actually scare me but it is BORING. And wrong from my point of view.
Be like everybody else so that we can easily focus the marketing targets to you.

And what about the 3rd world countries, then. This whole big money making machine seems to see them as producers, cheap producers, of the stuff that can be sold in the 'modern' and 'civilized' world and paying less to make more. Even the fair trade (which is great and valuable way of thinking) brings more money to the shop owners than to the actual producers.

Sold Out. Suckers :D

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


something happened on the way to amonpolis. while mixing and finalizing the songs, I realized that the limiter also ruins the dynamics of the songs, so I decided to disable all other mastering effects except the reverbing. slowly but surely we are forwarding towards the release date. Which is in the future, that's for sure :D

Monday, February 11, 2008


vocals for the songs are now recorded, I hope. The album (Title: Amonpolis I) should be ready within following 4 weeks, I hope. Album lyrics are in finnish, so there's some restrictions in understanding them for the rest of the world. My apologies, those songs and lyrics with them were created when they were created, new ones are on their way. At the moment it seems that the new lyrics will be in english.

The official site can be found from:


That was the poem I would've liked to listen
but the jackass was on the screen